Norwegian Forest Research Institute (NISK) - Publications
Research papers
Review papers
Other publications presenting «after-effect» results

Research papers

Bjørnstad, Å., 1981. Photoperiodical after-effect of parent plant environment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) seedlings. Medd. Nor. Inst. skogforsk. 36: 1 - 30.

Dormling, I. & Ø. Johnsen, 1992. Effects of the parental environment on full-sib families of Pinus sylvestris. Can. J. For. Res. 22: 88-100.
Dæhlen, A.G., Ø. Johnsen & K. Kohmann, 1995. Autumn frost hardiness in young seedlings of Norway spruce from Norwegian provenances and seed orchards. (Norwegian with English summary). Rapp. Skogforsk. 1/95 1-24.
Edvardsen, Ø. M., Ø. Johnsen & J. Dietrichson, 1996. Growth rhythm and frost hardiness in northern progeny trials with plants from Lyngdal seed orchard. (Norwegian with English summary). Rapp. Skogforsk 9/96. 1-9.
Hutchison. K., M. Greenwood, Ø. Johnsen & T. Skrøppa, 1996. Genetic aftereffects of environmental stress in conifers. Abstract from a Scientific Regional Information Exchange Group Workshop, Texas A & M University, Houston.
Johnsen, Ø., 1989a. Phenotypic changes in progenies of northern clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst. grown in a southern seed orchard. I. Frost hardiness in a phytotron experiment. Scan. J. For. Res. 4: 317-330.
Johnsen, Ø., 1989b. Phenotypic changes in progenies of northern clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst. grown in a southern seed orchard. II. Seasonal growth rhythm and height in field trials. Scan. J. For. Res. 4: 331-341.
Johnsen, Ø. & G. Østreng, 1994. Effects of plus tree selection and seed orchard environment on progenies of Picea abies. Can J. For. Res. 24: 32-38.
Johnsen, Ø., J. Dietrichson and G. Skaret, 1989. Phenotypic changes in progenies of northern clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst. grown in a southern seed orchard. III. Climatic damage in a progeny trial. Scan. J. For. Res. 4: 343 - 350.
Johnsen, Ø., G. Haug, O.G. Dæhlen, B.S. Grønstad & A.T. Rognstad, 1994a. Effects of heat treatment, timing of heat treatment, and gibberellin A4/7 on flowering in potted grafts of Picea abies. Scan. J. For. Res. 9: 333-340.
Johnsen, Ø., O.G. Dæhlen, G. Haug, B.S. Grønstad & A.T. Rognstad, 1994b. Female cone abortion and full seed production in an indoor seed orchard with potted grafts of Picea abies. Scand. J. For. Res. 9: 329-332.
Johnsen, Ø., T. Skrøppa, G. Haug, I. Apeland & G. Østreng, 1995. Sexual reproduction in a greenhouse and reduced autumn frost hardiness of Picea abies progenies. Tree Physiol. 15: 551-555.
Johnsen, Ø., T. Skrøppa, O. Junttila & O. G. Dæhlen, 1996. Influence of the female flowering environment on autumn frost-hardiness of Picea abies progenies. Theor Appl Genet 92: 797-802.
Johnsen, Ø. & T. Skrøppa. 2000. Provenances and families show different patterns of relationship between bud set and frost hardiness in Picea abies. Can. J. For. Res. 30: 1858-1866.
Owen, J, Ø. Johnsen, O.G. Dæhlen and T. Skrøppa 2001. How may the effect of temperature on early reproductive environment in Picea abies (L. Karst.) affect progeny? Scand. J. For. Res. (In press).
Kohmann, K and Ø. Johnsen, 1994. The timing of bud-set in seedlings of Picea abies from seed crops of a cool versus a warm summer. Silvae Genet. 43: 328-332.
Skrøppa, T., 1994. Growth rhythm and hardiness of Picea abies progenies of high altitude parents from seeds produced at low elevation. Silvae Genet. 43: 95-100.
Skrøppa. T. & K. Kohmann, 1997. Adaptation to local conditions after one generation in Norway spruce. Forest Genetics 4: 165-171.
Skrøppa, T., T. Nikkanen, S. Routsalainen, & Ø. Johnsen, 1994. Effects of sexual reproduction at different latitudes on performance of the progeny of Picea abies. Silvae Genet. 43:297-303.
Skrøppa, T., G. Hylen & J. Dietrichson 1999. Relationships between wood density components and juvenile height growth and growth rhythm traits for Norway spruce provenances and families. Silvae Genet. 48:235-239.
Review papers

Johnsen, Ø., 1988. After-effects on progenies from orchard clones moved to non-native environments. In: Physiology and genetics of reforestation. Eds. J. Worrall, J. Loo-Dinkins and D.T. Lester. Proc. of the Tenth North American Forest Biology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C. July 20 - 22, 1988 pp 1-11.

Johnsen, Ø. & T. Skrøppa, 1996. Adaptive properties of Picea abies progenies are influenced by environmental signals during sexual reproduction. Euphytica 92: 67-71.
Johnsen, Ø. & T. Skrøppa, 1997. Parents of Norway spruce adjust the performance of their progeny according to changes in climate and weather during female flowering. In: Mohren, G.M.J et al. (eds) Impact of global change on tree physiology and forest ecosystems, pp. 159-163. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Skrøppa, T. & Ø. Johnsen, 1994. The genetic response of plant population to a changing environment: the case for non-Mendelian processes. NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 20 Biodiversity, Temperate Ecosystems, and Global Change. (Eds: T.J.B. Boyle and C.E.B.Boyle). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1994. pp 183-199.
Skrøppa, T. & Ø. Johnsen, 1997. Conservation activities in Picea abies : genetic after-effects of the reproductive environment and their possible causes and implications. Proc. EUFORGEN Picea abies Network: Second Meeting: 60-63.
Skrøppa, T. & Ø. Johnsen, 1999. Patterns of adaptive genetic variation in forest tree species; the reproductive environment as an evolutionary force in Picea abies. In: C. Mátyás (ed.) Forest Genetics and Sustainability. Kluwer Academic Publishers: 49-58.
H. Hänninen, E. Beuker, Ø. Johnsen, I. Leinonen, M. Murray, L. Sheppard and T. Skrøppa, 2001. Impacts of Climate Change on Cold Hardiness of Conifers. In: F.J.Bigras and S.J. Colombo (eds.) Conifer Cold Hardiness, 305-333. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Other publications presenting «after-effect» results

Bigras, F. & J. Bonlieu, 1997. Influence of maternal environment on frost tolerance of Picea glauca progenies. In: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association, Part 2, p. 91.

Greenwood, M. S. & K. W. Hutchison, 1996. Genetic aftereffetcs of increased temperature in Larix. In: J. Hom, R.Birdsey and K. O’Brian (eds): Proceedings 1995 Meeting of the Northern Global Change Program 14-16 March 1995. Pp. 56-62.
Lindgren, D. & Q. Wang, 1986. Are genetic results influenced by the environment during seed maturation ? In Proc. IUFRO Conference on Breeding Theory, Progeny Testing and Seed Orchards. Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Pp. 192-199.
Lindgren, D. & R.-P. Wei, 1994. Effects of maternal environment on mortality and growth in young Pinus sylvestris in field trials. Tree Phys. 14: 323-327.
Stoehr, M. U., S. J. L’Hirondelle, W. D. Binder & J. E. Webber, 1998. Parental environmental aftereffects on germination, growth and adaptive traits in selected white spruce families. Can. J. For. Res. 28: 418-426.
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